What You Can Expect During Installation of Your New Roof
If you’re installing a new roof, it’s essential to know what to expect to ensure you can plan, and ensure the process goes smoothly for all involved. To help, Red Owl Roofing has compiled a basic set of guidelines regarding what you can expect before, during, and in the days after your roof installation.
Before Installation
After you’ve scheduled your roof installation date, you won’t notice any new activity until about a week to a few days before your roof installation. Then, you’ll likely experience:
- Dumpster delivery. In most cases, roofing companies try to schedule dumpster delivery for one or two days before the start of your project; however, sometimes dumpster delivery can vary depending on the dumpster contractor.
- Secondary dumpster delivery. If your roofing contractor plans to recycle your old shingles through a Roofing and Asphalt Shingle Recycling Program, you may receive a second dumpster delivery. Ask your contractor if they plan on participating.
- Shingle delivery. Within one to two days of your project’s beginning, a contractor will deliver shingles to be placed on your driveway, your roof, or both. Your Austin roofing contractor can notify you in advance so you can make sure someone is home to accept delivery and move vehicles aside.
During the Project
Once your roof installation is underway, there’s not much for you to do. If you can, provide a person to stay at your home in case of additional questions. Otherwise, keep the following points in mind:
- Keep pets contained. If you have pets, it’s a good idea to keep them indoors as much as possible. Doing so helps to keep them safe from any falling debris during the roofing process.
- Protect outdoor items. Consult your roofing contractor to determine whether they plan to cover landscaping, outdoor sculptures, and other elements. If not, it’s generally a good idea to do so yourself for an extra layer of protection.
- Secure entry. If your roofers need access to your backyard through a gate, ensure the gate remains unlocked. Similarly, settle any additional requests (such as interior bathroom usage, and in-home access) before work beginning.
- Perform inspection. Typically, roofing contractors schedule a walk-through on the final day so you can ensure the job has been completed to your satisfaction. At this time, it is essential to ensure proper cleanup has taken place and request a secondary cleanup if necessary.
After Installation
Within the one to three days after installation and inspection are complete, you can expect a few additional events, including:
- Pickup of the dumpster(s) used for roofing debris.
- Final walk-through. Your roofing company will likely set up a time with you to come to your home. At this time, you’ll complete a general walk-through, review of the process, and set up final payments.
- Warranty registration. If you’ve decided to purchase a warranty via your roofing preferred contractor, there’s no need to do anything—Red Owl Roofing will register your warranty.
Need More Information?
Do you still have questions regarding your roofing system installation? If so, contact the certified professionals at Red Owl Roofing. We’ve been in the business for over 35 years and will make an effort to provide you with knowledge and peace of mind regarding your new roof. Alternatively, contact us to discuss our roofing systems or how you can add a 50-year warranty to your new roof.